Temporary staffing plays an essential role in the German labor market. Companies can respond flexibly and at low risk to short-term order fluctuations and cyclical changes with temporary staffing.
Many companies therefore already rely on temporary staffing as a flexible personnel concept to master personnel bottlenecks quickly and reliably and to increase the company’s performance.

Triangular relation
Employee leasing represents a triangular relationship consisting of personnel service provider, temporary employee and customer company.
Our employees are permanently employed by us and support your company in overcoming your personnel bottleneck.
We take care of the search and support of the employees for you. We have daily conversations with people who are looking for a new professional challenge. With your personnel inquiry we start searching for the optimal candidate for you.

Your benefits
- Savings in recruiting costs
- flexible reaction to changing personnel requirements
- low risk in the event of fluctuations in demand
- Relief of the permanent staff
- Payment only for hours actually worked
- Planning security through cost transparency